Ms Hayes and Ms Sharpe's class went on a trip to St. Josephs Foundation Equine Centre in Liskennet. They learned to ride horses and went for a lovely walk.
We congratulate our karate champs who were recently graded and achieved their next coloured belts in karate. Missing from the photograph is Aria and Ethan.
Pupils from all classes made some beautiful decorations from recyclable materials for the teamlimerickcleanup decorate a tree competition. Well done to all
Well done to our ladies who played their Gaelic Football competition in icy conditions.The girls won 2 out of 3 games losing to eventual winners Feenagh NS
5th Class combined their knowledge of Motte and Bailey castles with their art skills to create these old fortifications from the 12th and 13th centuries.
We recently celebrated Teacher and SNA Appreciation days in our school. We would like to thank our teachers and SNAs for all their help during the year.
Our community guard Garda Eoin Barrett recently paid a visit to Ms. Sharpe's class and explained his work as a garda. Michael also met our postman Liam
We wish to welcome 1st Class back to school. The girls and boys are happy in their new classroom and look forward to the year with their teacher Ms. Nolan